Outputting all Comments
In this chapter we will finalize the writer class by making it write any comments attached to the units of the original BIL file as well as any comments that were added to the target segments during translation in SDL Trados Studio.
About Comments
According to the specifications of our fictitious BIL format (see About the Example BIL Format) a unit element may include one or more comment
elements, each of which has its own id.
In SDL Trados Studio translators can add comments to target segments. The commented strings are then highlighted with a specific background colour. The comment text is visible, for example, when the user moves the mouse pointer over the commented string (see illustration below).
In a BIL file comments are attached to the unit
elements. This is where we will add any comments found in a segment pair when generating the native target file.
Extend the Text Extractor Class
When we implemented the BilTextExtractor
class (see Adding the Text Extractor Class) we did not process any comments attached to the segments. We want to change this behavior by making the following additions to this class. As a unit might contain more than one comment, you should create a global string list object. Then add a GetSegmentComment()
helper function. This function first clears the comments list, and then calls the 'visitor' members to collect the required information from a given segment. Note that this function will later be called through the writer class.
The VisitCommentMarker member, which we originally left empty, should look as shown below:
public void VisitCommentMarker(ICommentMarker commentMarker)
for (int i = 0; i < commentMarker.Comments.Count; i++)
This member actually 'visits' the segments and adds any comments found to our comments string list.
Enhance the Writer Class
Now we need to make some additions to our writer class. Start by adding yet another helper function called, e.g. UpdateComments()
. This helper function needs to be invoked from CreateParagraphUnit()
and takes the current paragraph unit and the unit
XML node as parameters, i.e.:
UpdateComments(paragraphUnit, xmlUnit);
The UpdateComments()
helper function first 'wipes the slate clean' by removing any existing comments from the original BIL file:
// clear the original comments
XmlNodeList comments = unitNode.SelectNodes("comment");
foreach (XmlNode item in comments)
Now we need to compile a consolidated list of all comments (from the original BIL file) and of those comments that were added by the translator. Remember that each comment
element in the BIL file requires an id, which we assign through a commentID
integer variable.
First, we retrieve the comments that we added from the original BIL file and that are attached to the paragraph units:
int commentID = 1;
if (paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments != null)
for (int i = 0; i < paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.Count; i++)
IComment actualComment = paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.GetItem(i);
AddComment(unitNode, actualComment.Text, commentID);
Next, we collect the comments that the translator added in the intermediary (SDLXliff) file to the target segments. Note that we invoke the corresponding function from our BilTextExtractor
class, which 'visits' the markup elements found within a segment.
foreach (ISegmentPair segmentPair in paragraphUnit.SegmentPairs)
foreach (string comment in _textExtractor.GetSegmentComment(segmentPair.Target))
AddComment(unitNode, comment, commentID);
The complete helper function looks as shown below:
private void UpdateComments(IParagraphUnit paragraphUnit, XmlNode unitNode)
#region "clear"
// clear the original comments
XmlNodeList comments = unitNode.SelectNodes("comment");
foreach (XmlNode item in comments)
// loop through the comments in the SDLXLIFF paragraph units (if available)
// these comments were added from the original BIL file
// during parsing (i.e. forward conversion)
#region "original comments"
int commentID = 1;
if (paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments != null)
for (int i = 0; i < paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.Count; i++)
IComment actualComment = paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.GetItem(i);
AddComment(unitNode, actualComment.Text, commentID);
// generate the consolidated list of comments from the original
// BIL file and any comments added by the translator in the SDLXLIFF file
#region "tranlator comments"
foreach (ISegmentPair segmentPair in paragraphUnit.SegmentPairs)
foreach (string comment in _textExtractor.GetSegmentComment(segmentPair.Target))
AddComment(unitNode, comment, commentID);
Note that the above UpdateComments()
function calls a separate AddComment()
helper function, which generates the actual comment based on the comment text and the comment id, which is then added to the current unit
element of the target BIL file. This helper function looks as shown below:
private void AddComment(XmlNode xmlUnit, string commentText, int commentID)
XmlElement commentElement = _targetFile.CreateElement("comment");
XmlAttribute commentIdAttrib = _targetFile.CreateAttribute("id");
commentIdAttrib.Value = commentID.ToString();
commentElement.InnerText = commentText;
Putting it All Together
The complete and finished writer class should now look as shown below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using Sdl.FileTypeSupport.Framework.BilingualApi;
using Sdl.FileTypeSupport.Framework.NativeApi;
using Sdl.Core.Globalization;
namespace Sdk.FileTypeSupport.Samples.Bil
class BilWriter : AbstractBilingualFileTypeComponent, IBilingualWriter, INativeOutputSettingsAware
#region "global"
private IPersistentFileConversionProperties _originalFileProperties;
private INativeOutputFileProperties _nativeFileProperties;
private XmlDocument _targetFile;
private BilTextExtractor _textExtractor;
#region "INativeOutputSettingsAware members"
public void GetProposedOutputFileInfo(IPersistentFileConversionProperties fileProperties, IOutputFileInfo proposedFileInfo)
_originalFileProperties = fileProperties;
public void SetOutputProperties(INativeOutputFileProperties properties)
_nativeFileProperties = properties;
#region "IBilingualWriter members"
#region "load file"
public void SetFileProperties(IFileProperties fileInfo)
_targetFile = new XmlDocument();
#region "initialize"
public void Initialize(IDocumentProperties documentInfo)
_textExtractor = new BilTextExtractor();
#region "paragraphs"
public void ProcessParagraphUnit(IParagraphUnit paragraphUnit)
//old: string unitId = paragraphUnit.Properties.Contexts.Contexts[1].MetaData["UnitID"];
string unitId = paragraphUnit.Properties.Contexts.Contexts[1].GetMetaData("UnitID");
XmlNode xmlUnit = _targetFile.SelectSingleNode("//unit[@id='" + unitId + "']");
// call helper function to generate the paragraph unit
CreateParagraphUnit(paragraphUnit, xmlUnit);
// call helper function to consolidate all comments
UpdateComments(paragraphUnit, xmlUnit);
#region "helper functions"
#region "create paragraph"
private void CreateParagraphUnit(IParagraphUnit paragraphUnit, XmlNode xmlUnit)
XmlNode source = xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("source");
XmlNode target = xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("target");
// iterate all segment pairs
foreach (ISegmentPair segmentPair in paragraphUnit.SegmentPairs)
source.InnerXml = _textExtractor.GetPlainText(segmentPair.Source);
target.InnerXml = _textExtractor.GetPlainText(segmentPair.Target);
// update unit status
xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("./@status").Value = UpdateStatus(segmentPair.Properties.ConfirmationLevel);
#region "confirmation level"
private string UpdateStatus(ConfirmationLevel unitLevel)
string status = "";
switch (unitLevel)
case ConfirmationLevel.Translated:
status = "exact";
case ConfirmationLevel.Draft:
status = "fuzzy";
case ConfirmationLevel.Unspecified:
status = "new";
status = "new";
return status;
#region "update comments"
private void UpdateComments(IParagraphUnit paragraphUnit, XmlNode unitNode)
#region "clear"
// clear the original comments
XmlNodeList comments = unitNode.SelectNodes("comment");
foreach (XmlNode item in comments)
// loop through the comments in the SDLXLIFF paragraph units (if available)
// these comments were added from the original BIL file
// during parsing (i.e. forward conversion)
#region "original comments"
int commentID = 1;
if (paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments != null)
for (int i = 0; i < paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.Count; i++)
IComment actualComment = paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments.GetItem(i);
AddComment(unitNode, actualComment.Text, commentID);
// generate the consolidated list of comments from the original
// BIL file and any comments added by the translator in the SDLXLIFF file
#region "tranlator comments"
foreach (ISegmentPair segmentPair in paragraphUnit.SegmentPairs)
foreach (string comment in _textExtractor.GetSegmentComment(segmentPair.Target))
AddComment(unitNode, comment, commentID);
#region "add comment"
private void AddComment(XmlNode xmlUnit, string commentText, int commentID)
XmlElement commentElement = _targetFile.CreateElement("comment");
XmlAttribute commentIdAttrib = _targetFile.CreateAttribute("id");
commentIdAttrib.Value = commentID.ToString();
commentElement.InnerText = commentText;
#region "save file and complete"
public void FileComplete()
_targetFile = null;
public void Complete()
#region IDisposable implementation
public void Dispose()
//don't need to dispose of anthing
Below you also see the complete and finished text extractor class:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Sdl.FileTypeSupport.Framework.BilingualApi;
namespace Sdk.FileTypeSupport.Samples.Bil
class BilTextExtractor : IMarkupDataVisitor
#region "comment list"
private List<string> _Comments = new List<string>();
public List<string> GetSegmentComment(ISegment segment)
return _Comments;
#region "plain text"
internal StringBuilder PlainText
public string GetPlainText(ISegment segment)
PlainText = new StringBuilder("");
return PlainText.ToString();
// loops through all sub items of the container (IMarkupDataContainer)
#region "loop"
private void VisitChildren(IAbstractMarkupDataContainer container)
foreach (var item in container)
#region IMarkupDataVisitor Members
#region "text"
public void VisitText(IText text)
#region "tagpairs"
public void VisitTagPair(ITagPair tagPair)
PlainText.Append("<" + tagPair.StartTagProperties.TagContent + ">");
PlainText.Append("</" + tagPair.EndTagProperties.TagContent + ">");
#region "comments"
public void VisitCommentMarker(ICommentMarker commentMarker)
for (int i = 0; i < commentMarker.Comments.Count; i++)
#region "left empty"
public void VisitSegment(ISegment segment)
public void VisitLocationMarker(ILocationMarker location)
public void VisitLockedContent(ILockedContent lockedContent)
public void VisitOtherMarker(IOtherMarker marker)
public void VisitPlaceholderTag(IPlaceholderTag tag)
public void VisitRevisionMarker(IRevisionMarker revisionMarker)
See Also
Adding the Text Extractor Class
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