Extracting Comments
In this chapter you will learn how to extract comments from a given BIL file and add them to the intermediary (SDLXliff) document.
About Comments
A unit in a BIL file can contain one or more comments, e.g.:
<comment>This segment was translated using web translator.</comment>
Extend the Helper Function for Creating Paragraph Units
First, add the following to the CreateParagraphUnit()
helper function:
// extract comment (if applicable)
paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments = CreateComment(xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("comment").InnerText);
This condition determines whether a comment
element exists in the unit and then passes the comment text to a separate helper function.
The complete CreateParagraphUnit()
helper function looks as shown below:
// helper function for creating paragraph units
private IParagraphUnit CreateParagraphUnit(XmlNode xmlUnit)
// create paragraph unit object
IParagraphUnit paragraphUnit = ItemFactory.CreateParagraphUnit(LockTypeFlags.Unlocked);
// create segment pair object
ISegmentPairProperties segmentPairProperties = ItemFactory.CreateSegmentPairProperties();
// assign the appropriate confirmation level to the segment pair
// add source segment to paragraph unit
ISegment srcSegment = CreateSegment(xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("source/seg"), segmentPairProperties);
// add target segment to paragraph unit if available
if(xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("target/seg") != null)
ISegment trgSegment = CreateSegment(xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("target/seg"), segmentPairProperties);
#region "context"
// create paragraph unit context
string id = xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("./@id").InnerText;
string spec = xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("type/@spec").InnerText;
paragraphUnit.Properties.Contexts=CreateContext(spec, id);
} else {
paragraphUnit.Properties.Contexts = CreateContext("Paragraph", id);
#region "comments"
// extract comment (if applicable)
paragraphUnit.Properties.Comments = CreateComment(xmlUnit.SelectSingleNode("comment").InnerText);
return paragraphUnit;
Add a Helper Function for Generating the Comments
Below you see the helper function that actually generates the comments in the intermediary (SDLXliff) file. When generating a comment through the properties factory you need to provide the following parameters: the comment text, the user who added the comment (in this case we just use a hard-coded string to keep this example simple), and the Severity level, which we set to Medium
private ICommentProperties CreateComment(string commentText)
ICommentProperties commentProperties = PropertiesFactory.CreateCommentProperties();
IComment comment = PropertiesFactory.CreateComment(commentText, "SDK Sample", Severity.Medium);
return commentProperties;
In SDL Trados Studio the comments will be visible in the Comments windows. Double-clicking a comment here will lead you directly to the corresponding paragraph unit / segment pair in the editor.
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