Project Creator
This class transforms a list of ProjectRequests into the corresponding file based projects using a project template.
This task is carried out by the Execute method. It calls the CreateProject method for each request and using the CreateProject method in the Project Automation API creates a new instance of FileBasedProject and adds files from the ProjectRequest object. It then uses FileBasedProjectReference to run a Scan task on the files followed by a DefaultTaskSequence after which it saves the new project. The sample also illustrates how the ProgressChanged and MessageReported events are handled.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Sdl.TranslationStudioAutomation.IntegrationApi;
using Sdl.ProjectAutomation.FileBased;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Sdl.ProjectAutomation.Core;
using System.IO;
namespace StudioIntegrationApiSample
class ProjectCreator
public event ProgressChangedEventHandler ProgressChanged;
public event EventHandler<ProjectMessageEventArgs> MessageReported;
private double _currentProgress;
public ProjectCreator(List<ProjectRequest> requests, ProjectTemplateInfo projectTemplate)
Requests = requests;
ProjectTemplate = projectTemplate;
SuccessfulRequests = new List<Tuple<ProjectRequest, FileBasedProject>>();
List<ProjectRequest> Requests
get; set;
public List<Tuple<ProjectRequest, FileBasedProject>> SuccessfulRequests
private set;
ProjectTemplateInfo ProjectTemplate
public void Execute()
_currentProgress = 0;
foreach (ProjectRequest request in Requests)
_currentProgress += 100.0 / Requests.Count;
private FileBasedProject CreateProject(ProjectRequest request)
ProjectInfo projectInfo = new ProjectInfo
Name = request.Name,
LocalProjectFolder = GetProjectFolderPath(request.Name)
FileBasedProject project = new FileBasedProject(projectInfo, new ProjectTemplateReference(ProjectTemplate.Uri));
OnMessageReported(project, String.Format("Creating project {0}", request.Name));
ProjectFile[] projectFiles = project.AddFiles(request.Files);
project.RunAutomaticTask(projectFiles.GetIds(), AutomaticTaskTemplateIds.Scan);
TaskSequence taskSequence = project.RunDefaultTaskSequence(projectFiles.GetIds(),
(sender, e)
OnProgressChanged(_currentProgress + (double)e.PercentComplete / Requests.Count);
, (sender, e)
OnMessageReported(project, e.Message);
if (taskSequence.Status == TaskStatus.Completed)
SuccessfulRequests.Add(Tuple.Create(request, project));
OnMessageReported(project, String.Format("Project {0} created successfully.", request.Name));
return project;
OnMessageReported(project, String.Format("Project {0} creation failed.", request.Name));
return null;
private string GetProjectFolderPath(string name)
string rootFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), $@"{Versioning.Versions.StudioDocumentsFolderName}\Projects");
string folder;
int num = 1;
while (Directory.Exists(folder = Path.Combine(rootFolder, name + "-" + num)));
return folder;
private void OnProgressChanged(double progress)
if (ProgressChanged != null)
ProgressChanged(this, new ProgressChangedEventArgs((int)progress, null));
private void OnMessageReported(FileBasedProject project, string message)
if (MessageReported != null)
MessageReported(this, new ProjectMessageEventArgs { Project = project, Message = message });
private void OnMessageReported(FileBasedProject project,ExecutionMessage executionMessage)
if (MessageReported != null)
MessageReported(this, new ProjectMessageEventArgs {Project = project, Message = executionMessage.Level + ": " + executionMessage.Message});
class ProjectMessageEventArgs : EventArgs
public FileBasedProject Project { get; set; }
public string Message {get; set;}