The File Context
Translatable text can occur in one or more contexts. Examples of contexts are file names, URLs, domains, resource types, layout properties (e.g. heading, title, table cell, etc.), and potentially many more. Obviously, contexts can contain other contexts, and they can overlap with other contexts.
Native File Processing API Representation
During native content processing contexts are created by the filter through ChangeContext. IContextProperties, the input parameter type of ChangeContext, wraps an IContextInfo array. IContextInfo has following properties:
Every call to ChangeContext closes all open contexts and opens all contexts specified in the call parameters.
Conversion from Native to Bilingual
Contexts must be identified, created, and maintained by filters. To pass them into the framework the filter must use the ChangeContext method of the IAbstractNativeContentHandler interface. There is no default context. Using contects is not mandatory, but it is recommended to improve translation and match quality, as translators can easily identify a translatable string as e.g. a headline, footnote, etc., which may be important information for the translation process.
Conversion from Bilingual to Native
Contexts are not part of the native format and will therefore not show up in translated files.
See Also
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