Interface IOutputTranslationMemoryCollection
Represents a collection of output translation memories (see IOutputTranslationMemory) in a migration project (see IMigrationProject).
Inherited Members
Namespace: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.Upgrade
Assembly: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.TranslationMemoryApi.dll
public interface IOutputTranslationMemoryCollection : ICollection<IOutputTranslationMemory>, IEnumerable<IOutputTranslationMemory>, IEnumerable
Gets the output translation memory at the specified index.
IOutputTranslationMemory this[int index] { get; }
Type | Name | Description |
Int32 | index | The index. |
Property Value
Type | Description |
IOutputTranslationMemory | The output translation memory at the specified index. |
Adds a new output translation memory to the collection. You can add input language directions to its InputLanguageDirections collection.
IOutputTranslationMemory Add()
Type | Description |
IOutputTranslationMemory | A representation of an output translation memory. |
Add(IInputTranslationMemory, Boolean)
Adds an output translation memory for a bilingual legacy input translation memory and optionally populates the setup information of the output translation memory (Setup) based of the setup of the input translation memory (see Setup and AvailableLanguageResources).
IOutputTranslationMemory Add(IInputTranslationMemory inputTranslationMemory, bool autoPopulateOutputTranslationMemorySetup)
Type | Name | Description |
IInputTranslationMemory | inputTranslationMemory | The language direction data, representing the content of a legacy TM to be migrated to the output TM. |
Boolean | autoPopulateOutputTranslationMemorySetup | Whether to automatically popluate the setup information of the output translation memory based on the setup information from the input translation memory. |
Type | Description |
IOutputTranslationMemory | An IOutputTranslationMemory object, containing the specified input language direction data. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentException | Thrown if the input translation memory has more than one language direction. |
Add(IEnumerable<IInputTranslationMemory>, Boolean)
Adds an output translation memory for a number of bilingual legacy input translation memories and optionally populates the setup information of the output translation memory (Setup) based of the setup of the input translation memories (see Setup and AvailableLanguageResources).
IOutputTranslationMemory Add(IEnumerable<IInputTranslationMemory> inputTranslationMemory, bool autoPopulateOutputTranslationMemorySetup)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<IInputTranslationMemory> | inputTranslationMemory | The language directions, representing the bilingual content of a number of legacy TMs to be migrated to the output TM. |
Boolean | autoPopulateOutputTranslationMemorySetup | Whether to automatically popluate the setup information of the output translation memory based on the merged setup information from the input translation memories. |
Type | Description |
IOutputTranslationMemory | An IOutputTranslationMemory object, containing the specified input language directions. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentException | Thrown if one of the input translation memories has more than one language direction. |