Enum ErrorCode
Defines the error codes which are returned by certain operations or
are included in Language
Namespace: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core
Assembly: Sdl.LanguagePlatform.Core.dll
public enum ErrorCode
Name | Description |
AuthInsufficientPermissions | You don't have sufficient permissions to execute this method. |
AuthInvalidUser | The calling user is invalid. |
AuthUnknownOrNonauthenticatedUser | The calling user is unknown or not authenticated. |
CannotInitializeFilterManager | The Filter Manager could not be initialized. |
CannotInitializeSpring | The Spring Framework could not be initialized. |
ConfigurationAbstractType | A type referenced in the configuration is abstract and cannot be instantiated. |
ConfigurationCannotInstantiateOrCastType | A type referenced in the configuration could not be instantiated or casted. |
ConfigurationCannotLoad | The configuration could not be loaded. |
ConfigurationCannotResolveType | A type referenced in the configuration could not be resolved. |
ConfigurationConnectionStringNotFound | A required connection string could not be found in the configuration file. |
ConfigurationInvalidType | A type referenced in the configuration is invalid for the desired operation. |
ConfigurationOtherError | An unspecified error occurred in the configuration. |
ConfigurationUnknownProviderType | A provider type specified in the configuration is unknown. |
CorruptData | The data in an input file is corrupt and cannot be used. |
CorruptDataInResourceFile | The language resource file contains corrupt data. |
DAFieldTypesInconsistent | The field types are inconsistent (internal error). |
DAIndexDuplicateKey | The index contained a duplicate key. |
DAInvalidSegmentAfterDeserialization | The segment is invalid. It could not be retrieved. |
DataComponentAlreadyInUse | The selected data component is already in use. |
DataComponentIncompatible | The selected data component is incompatible with the other data components. |
DataComponentMissing | A required data component is missing or unavailable. |
DataComponentNotOpen | The selected data component must be opened first. |
DATUNotInTM | The requested translation unit could not be found in the translation memory. |
EditScriptEmptyFieldName | Edit Script: The field name cannot be null or empty. |
EditScriptEmptySearchPattern | Edit Script: The search pattern for a search/replace cannot be empty. |
EditScriptIncompatibleField | Edit Script: The action cannot be performed on this field. |
EditScriptIncompatibleFieldValueTypes | Edit Script: The action cannot be performed since the field value types are incompatible. |
EditScriptInvalidOperationForFieldValueType | Edit Script: The requested operation cannot be performed on a field of this value type. |
EditScriptInvalidValue | Edit Script: The value is invalid for the specified field. |
EditScriptSystemField | Edit Script: This operation cannot be performed on system fields. |
EmbeddedResourceNotFound | An expected, embedded resource could not be retrieved. |
EmptyData | No data found. |
EmptySegment | Indicates that a segment is empty. |
EmptySourceSegment | Indicates that the source segment is empty. |
EmptyTargetSegment | Indicates that the target segment is empty. |
ErrorFilterCannotParseDate | Filter expression parser: Cannot parse the date. |
ErrorFilterEmptyFieldName | Filter expression parser: Empty field name. |
ErrorFilterExpectFieldName | Filter expression parser: Expected a field name. |
ErrorFilterFieldNameNotSurroundedByDoubleQuotes | Filter expression parser: The field name must be surrounded by double quotes. |
ErrorFilterFieldRequiresIntegerValue | Filter expression parser: The field requires an integer value. |
ErrorFilterIllegalInputSymbol | Filter expression parser: Illegal input symbol. |
ErrorFilterInvalidFieldName | Filter expression parser: Invalid field name. |
ErrorFilterMultipleValuesNotBracketed | Filter expression parser: Multiple values need to be enclosed in parentheses. |
ErrorFilterMultivalueFieldNotBracketed | Filter expression parser: Values for multivalue fields need to be enclosed in parentheses. |
ErrorFilterNotAPicklistField | Filter expression parser: The field is not a picklist field. |
ErrorFilterOperatorExpected | Filter expression parser: Operator expected. |
ErrorFilterPicklistItemNotFound | Filter expression parser: The picklist field does not contain the picklist value. |
ErrorFilterPrematureEndOfInput | Filter expression parser: Premature end of input. |
ErrorFilterTrailingBackslash | Filter expression parser: Trailing backslash. |
ErrorFilterTrailingJunk | Filter expression parser: Trailing junk at end of expression. |
ErrorFilterUnbalancedParenthesis | Filter expression parser: Unbalanced parentheses. |
ErrorFilterUnknownField | Filter expression parser: Unknown field. |
ErrorFilterValueNotSurroundedByDoubleQuotes | Filter expression parser: The value needs to be enclosed in double quotes. |
ErrorInFilterExpression | Filter expression parser: Error in Filter Expression |
InconsistentData | The data is inconsistent and cannot be used. |
InternalError | An internal error occurred. |
InvalidLanguageResourceFile | The language resource file is invalid. |
InvalidOperation | An invalid operation was attempted. |
InvalidSegment | Indicates that a segment is invalid. |
InvalidSegmentPeripheralWhitespace | Indicates that a segment is invalid as it starts or ends with at least one whitespace character. |
InvalidSourceSegment | Indicates that the source segment is invalid. |
InvalidTargetSegment | Indicates thath the target segment is invalid. |
InvalidTMSourceLanguage | The tranlsation memory's source language is not valid. No region-neutral languages can be used. |
InvalidTMTargetLanguage | The translation memory's target language is not valid. No region-neutral languages can be used. |
LanguageResourceFileNotFound | The language resource file could not be located. |
NeutralLanguage | Indicates that a segment's culture is neutral, i.e. has no region-qualifier ("en") |
NoContentInFile | The file cannot be processed since it does not contain any processable content. |
NoRegionSpecificLanguageFound | No region-specific language could be found for the specified language. |
NoTextInSegment | Indicates that a segment consists only of tags and no text was found. |
NotImplemented | Indicates that some required functionality hasn't yet been implemented. |
NoTranslatableContentInFile | The file cannot be processed since it does not contain any translatable content. |
OK | Indicates success/no error. |
Other | Indicates that an unspecified error occurred. |
ReadonlyResource | Attempt to modify a read-only resource. |
ResourceNotAvailable | The requested language resource cannot be loaded for the specified culture. |
SegmentationCannotObtainSegmentor | The system could not obtain a segmentor for the specified language. |
SegmentationEmptyRuleSet | The segmentation rules are empty. |
SegmentationIllegalContinuation | The segmentation rule could not be parsed due to an invalid continuation specifier. |
SegmentationIllegalKeywordInRule | The segmentation rule could not be parsed due to an unknown keyword. |
SegmentationInvalidRule | The segmentation rule is invalid. |
SegmentationInvalidVariableName | The segmentation rule could not be parsed due to an invalid variable reference. |
SegmentationNoRulesForLanguage | No segmentation rules are available for the specified language. |
SegmentationRuleDeserializationError | An error occurred during deserializaton of the segmentation rules. |
SegmentationRuleLoadError | The segmentation rules could not be loaded. |
SegmentationSRXInternalError | Internal SRX parser error |
SegmentationSRXInvalidDocument | Invalid SRX document |
SegmentationSRXNoVersion | No version information found in SRX header |
SegmentationSRXParseError | Error during parsing SRX document |
SegmentationSRXUnsupportedVersion | Unsupported SRX version |
SegmentationTrailingJunk | The segmentation rule could not be parsed due to trailing junk. |
SegmentationTWBMalformedRule | Invalid TWB segmentation rule |
SegmentationTWBUnsupportedExceptionConstraints | Too many exception constraints detected in TWB rule (unsupported) |
SegmentationTWBUnsupportedMultipleMatchContexts | Multiple positive match contexts detected in TWB rule (unsupported) |
SegmentationTWBUnsupportedNestedExceptions | Nested exception found in TWB rule (unsupported) |
SegmentationUnknownRuleType | The segmentation rule could not be parsed due to an unknown rule type. |
SegmentationUnknownVariable | A segmentation rule contained a variable reference which is unresolved. |
SegmentNotTokenized | The segment is not tokenized and cannot be processed. |
SourceLanguageIncompatibleWithTM | Indicates that the source language is not compatible with the translation memory being used. |
SQLiteCorrupt | The translation memory data file is corrupt. |
SQLiteNotADatabase | The specified file is not a valid translation memory. |
SQLiteOtherError | The translation memory data file engine returned an error. |
StemmerErrorInStemmingRule | The stemming rule cannot be processed. |
StorageDataFileNotFound | The requested data file could not be located. |
StorageError | Indicates that an error occurred during storage access/storing the translation unit. |
StorageFieldAlreadyExists | The new field already exists. |
StorageFieldNotFound | The required field does not exist. |
StorageIncompatibleAttributeType | The field type is not compatible with the requested operation. |
StorageParameterNotFound | A requested database parameter could not be retrieved. |
StoragePicklistValueAlreadyExists | The new picklist value name already exists in the field. |
StorageSchemaAlreadyExists | The database schema already exists. |
StorageSchemaDoesntExist | The database schema does not exist. |
StorageTMAlreadyExists | The specified translation memory already exists. |
StorageVersionDataNewer | The database contains data in a newer format than this version of the application can handle. You need to upgrade your software, or contact technical support. |
StorageVersionDataOutdated | The database contains data in an outdated format which cannot be automatically migrated to the current schema. Please contact technical support. |
System | Indicates a system-generated error/exception. |
TagAnchorAlreadyClosed | Indicates that a tag anchor assigned to an end tag has already been used for a previously seen end tag. |
TagAnchorAlreadyUsed | Indicates that a tag anchor in a segment has been used more than once for different tag instances. |
TagAnchorNotClosed | Indicates that a tag anchor occurred only at a start tag, but has no corresponding closing tag. |
TagAnchorNotOpen | Indicates that a tag anchor assigned to an end tag hasn't yet been seen at the corresponding start tag. |
TagCountLimitExceeded | The tag count limit has been exceeded by at least one segment of the TU. |
TagEmptyOrInvalidTagID | Indicates that a tag ID is empty, not set, or invalid. |
TagInvalidTagAnchor | Indicates that a tag anchor is empty, not set, or invalid. |
TagWarningTagsDropped | Indicates that a TU was invalid due to tag errors and that these tags were dropped to ensure the TU could be correctly imported. |
TargetLanguageIncompatibleWithTM | Indicates that the target language is not compatible with the translation memory being used. |
TMAlreadyExists | A TM with this name already exists. |
TMCannotInitializeTMInCascade | An element in the TM Cascade could not be initialized. |
TMCannotModifyExactSearchOnlyFlag | The TM setting "Exact Search Only" cannot be changed. |
TMCannotModifyFullTextSearchFlag | Full-text search can only be enabled or disabled at TM creation time. |
TMCannotModifyFuzzyIndices | The fuzzy indexes cannot be modified after the TM has been created. |
TMExceededCopyrightFieldLimit | The maximum length of the copyright field has been exceeded. |
TMExceededDescriptionFieldLimit | The maximum length of the description field has been exceeded. |
TMExceededFieldNameLimit | The maximum length of the field name has been exceeded. |
TMExceededPicklistValueNameLimit | The maximum length of the picklist value been exceeded. |
TMExceededTextFieldValueLimit | The maximum length of the text field value has been exceeded. |
TMExceededTMNameLimit | The maximum length of the translation memory name has been exceeded. |
TMFieldAlreadyExists | A field with the specified name already exists. |
TMImportFieldNotExists | The TM cannot import the TU because the TM does not have a field corresponding to a field in the TU. |
TMImportIncompatibleFieldTypes | An existing TM field is incompatible with an imported TM field. |
TMIncompatibleFieldTypes | The field types are incompatible. |
TMIncompatibleTMLanguageDirectionInCascade | The language direction of an element in the TM Cascade is incompatible with the cascade's language direction. |
TMInvalidFieldName | A field name is invalid. |
TMInvalidIteratorSize | The iterator size is out of bounds. |
TMInvalidPicklistValueName | A picklist value name is invalid. |
TMInvalidSortSpecification | The sort specification is invalid. |
TMInvalidTMName | A translation memory name is invalid. |
TMNotFound | A translation memory with the specified name or ID could not be found. |
TMNoTMOpen | No translation memory is open. |
TMOrContainerMissing | The translation memory or TM container appears to be missing and may have been deleted. |
TMPicklistValueAlreadyExists | A picklist value with the specified name already exists. |
TMResourceAlreadyExists | The specified resource already exists. |
TMResourceDoesNotExist | The specified resource does not exist. |
TMSearchModeNotSupported | The TM does not support the required search mode. |
TMSourceLanguageMismatch | The source language is not compatible with the TM's source language. |
TMTargetLanguageMismatch | The target language is not compatible with the TM's target language. |
TMToolsIncompatibleLanguagesBetweenDocumentAndTM | The file cannot be processed since its language direction is incompatible with the current TM. |
TMToolsNoFileHeader | The file cannot be processed as no usable file header was found. |
TMToolsNoTM | No translation memory was provided for the current task. |
TMTULimitExceeded | Access denied (TM Size Limit exceeded). |
TMTUSourceSegmentNestedTagCountLimitExceeded | The TM cannot import the TU because the source segment exceeded nested tag count limit. |
TMTUSourceSegmentSizeLimitExceeded | The TM cannot import the TU because the source segment exceeded size limit. |
TMTUTargetSegmentNestedTagCountLimitExceeded | The TM cannot import the TU because the target segment exceeded nested tag count limit. |
TMTUTargetSegmentSizeLimitExceeded | The TM cannot import the TU because the target segment exceeded size limit. |
TMUndefinedCascadeElement | An element in the TM Cascade is undefined or empty. |
TMUndefinedTMInCascade | An element in the TM Cascade is undefined. |
TMUninitializedCascadeElement | An element in the TM Cascade is not initialized. |
TMUninitializedTMInCascade | An element in the TM Cascade is not initialized. |
TMXCannotAddTagData | The TMX file cannot be processed as no tag data can be added to a text element. |
TMXCannotDetermineLanguageDirection | The language direction of the TMX file cannot be determined. Valid input files must be bilingual. |
TMXInternalParserError | The TMX file cannot be processed since an internal parser error occurred. |
TMXMissingVersion | The TMX file cannot be processed since no TMX version information was found. |
TMXNoSegmentOpen | The TMX file cannot be processed since no segment is currently open. |
TMXUnexpectedInputData | The TMX file cannot be processed since it contains unexpected data. |
TMXUnknownTMXAttribute | The TMX file cannot be processed since an unknown TMX attribute was encountered. |
TMXUnknownVersion | The TMX Version cannot be processed. |
TokenizerInvalidCharacterSet | An invalid character set occurred in a tokenizer rule. |
TokenizerInvalidNumericFormat | An invalid numeric format occurred in a number token. |
UndefinedOrInvalidLanguage | Indicates that a segment's or TU's language is not set or is invalid. |
UnexpectedDocumentContent | The document cannot be processed since it contains unexpected contents. |
XmlError | An error occurred while reading or generating XML data. |