Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.TermbaseInformation class
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.TermbaseInformation — Provides programmatic access to a set of termbase information.
This class allows you to retrieve various items of information on a particular termbase, e.g. the termbase size, full name, total number of entries, etc.
You can use this class, for example, to display all relevant termbase information in a termbase information frame whenever a user selects a termbase name from a list.
- CreationDate: Returns the termbase creation date.
- Description: Returns the termbase description.
- Name: Returns the (nice) name of a termbase.
- NumberOfEntriesInIndex: Returns the number of terms contained in a specified index.
- Size: Returns the size of the termbase in MB.
- TotalNumberOfEntries: Returns the total entry count for the specified termbase.
- Refresh: Updates the termbase information.
Termbase oTb = oTbs["Termbase name"];
TermbaseInformation tbInfo = oTb.Information;
Debug.Write("Termbase description: " + tbInfo.Description);