Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.Termbase class
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.Termbase — Provides programmatic access to a particular termbase.
A termbase is a database that is physically stored in a JET, SQL Server or Oracle backend. A termbase contains a number of entries (i.e. concepts), a set of so-called termbase or catalog objects (e.g. filter and layout definitions, etc.) and possibly also multimedia blobs.
The Termbase class allows you to retrieve various information on a specified termbase, e.g. the termbase name, location, the entry count, the number of indexes in the termbase definition, etc.
Apart from that you can also configure a number of settings for a selected termbase, e.g. the source and target index, the active filter, etc.
To select a termbase from a termbase repository you can either use the termbase path (for local termbases), the termbase name (for server termbases) or the index number, e.g.:
oTb = oTbs["C:\Testdata\Sample Termbase.sdltb"]
oTb = oTbs["Sample Termbase"]
oTb = oTbs[0]
- _Cookie: [For internal use only.]
- _DefaultEntryClassID: Returns the default entry class id.
- _IsLocal: Flags whether a termbase is local or not.
- AccessPermissions: Provides programmatic access to the permissions the currently logged-in user has to a termbase.
- ActiveFilter: Returns the active filter for a termbase.
- Browse: Provides access to the browse functionality for a termbase.
- ChangeDate: Returns the last termbase change date.
- CopyrightText: Returns the copyright text for a particular termbase.
- DefaultEntryClass: Returns the default entry class for a particular termbase.
- Definition: Provides programmatic access to a termbase definition.
- DownloadedCopyrightIcoPath: Returns the path and name of the termbase icon file.
- DownloadedCopyrightInfoPath: Returns the path and name of the termbase reference document.
- DownloadedCopyrightSplashPath: Returns the path and name of the termbase splash screen image.
- Entries: Provides programmatic access to the entries of a termbase.
- ExpiryDate: Returns the expiry date of the termbase.
- ExportDefinitions: Provides programmatic access to the export definitions of a termbase.
- FilterDefinitions: Provides programmatic access to the filter definitions of a termbase.
- ImportDefinitions: Provides programmatic access to the filter definitions of a termbase.
- IncompleteEntries: Provides programmatic access to the incomplete entries of a termbase.
- Information: Provides programmatic access to the termbase information.
- InputModelDefinitions: Provides programmatic access to the input model definitions of a termbase.
- IsReadOnly: Returns True or False depending on whether a termbase is read-only or not.
- LayoutDefinitions: Provides programmatic access to the layout definitions of a termbase.
- LockedEntries: Provides programmatic access to the locked entries of a termbase.
- Name: Returns the name of a termbase.
- Search: Provides programmatic access to the search functionality for a particular termbase.
- _Reorganise: [For internal use only.]
- Close: Closes a specified termbase.
- Delete: Deletes a particular termbase.
- ExtractToFile: Saves the a termbase to an *.mdb file.
- GetHomonyms: Retrieves all homonym entries of a particular termbase.
- Reorganise: Reorganises a specified termbase.
Termbases oTbs = oLocalRep.Termbases;
Termbase oTb = oTbs["Termbase Path"];
Debug.Write("Total number of termbase entries: " + oTb.Information.TotalNumberOfEntries.ToString());