Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.SearchInfo class
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.SearchInfo — Stores information on the search carried for particular termbases.
After a search has been carried out in multiple termbases you might want to know whether a particular termbases yielded any results, which source/target index has actually been used, etc. This class allows you to retrieve such information for each termbases included in the search.
- ErrorCode: Returns the error code for the search in a particular termbase (if applicable).
- ErrorMessage: Returns the error message for a search in a particular termbase (if applicable).
- HitsFound: Returns true or false depending on whether any hits have been found in a particular termbase.
- SourceIndex: Returns the source index that was actually used when searching a particular termbase.
- SourceLocale: Returns the locale of the source index used when searching a particular termbase.
- TargetIndex: Returns the target index used when searching a particular termbase.
- TargetLocale: Returns the locale of the target index used when searching a particular termbase.
- TermbaseName: Returns the name of the termbase that the search info relates to.
Termbases oTbs = oLocalRep.Termbases;
Termbase oTb1 = oTbs["Termbase1"];
Termbase oTb2 = oTbs["Termbase2"];
Termbase oTb3 = oTbs["Termbase3"];
MultiSearch oSearch = oMt.MultiSearch;
oSearch.SearchType = Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.MtSearchType.mtSequential;
oSearch.Direction = Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.MtSearchDirection.mtSearchDown;
//guess the search index based on the index of the first termbase
//maximum hits per termbase
//add termbases to search
oSearch.AddSearchTermbase(oTb1, "English", "German");
oSearch.AddSearchTermbase(oTb2, "Englisch", "Deutsch");
oSearch.AddSearchTermbase(oTb3, "ENG", "DEU");
oSearch.SearchExpression = "search term";
//execute search
HitTerms oHits = oSearch.Execute();
//retrieve information on search in the second termbase
SearchInfo oInfo;
oInfo = oSearch.SearchInfo[1];
Debug.WriteLine("Any hits found in this termbase? " + oInfo.HitsFound);
Debug.WriteLine("Source index used: " + oInfo.SourceIndex);