Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.ImportDefinition class
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.ImportDefinition — Provides programmatic access to a particular import definition.
Import definitions are used to import the content from MultiTerm XML files into a termbase. Via this class you can retrieve information on a particular import definition, e.g. the description string or programmatically trigger the import process.
- Content: Returns the content of a particular import definition in an XML format.
- Description: Returns the import definition description.
- Name: Returns the name of the import definition.
- Owner: Returns the owner name for a particular import definition.
- ReadOnly: Returns whether a particular import definition is read-only.
- Delete: Removes the import definition from the collection.
- Load: Updates the selected import definition from an external import definition file.
- ProcessImport: Carries out the actual import process.
- Save: Saves the import definition to an external file.
- StartWizard: Calls up the import wizard for editing a particular import definition.
//select termbase
Termbase oTb = oTbs["Termbase name"];
//select import definition
ImportDefinitions oImpDefs = oTb.ImportDefinitions;
ImportDefinition oImpDef = oImpDefs["Default import definition"];