Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.FilterDefinitions class
Sdl.MultiTerm.TMO.Interop.FilterDefinitions — Provides programmatic access to the filter definitions of a termbase.
Filters are used to select a subset of termbase entries, e.g. all entries that have a "Definition" field. Filters are basically XPath statements that are applied to the entry XML content.
Via this property you can, for example, return the number of available filter definitions, generate a list containing the names of available filter definitions, etc.
- Count: Returns the number of available filter definitions.
- Item: Provides access to a particular filter definition.
- Add: Adds a new filter definition to the collection.
- Refresh: Updates the filter definition collection.
- StartWizard: Starts the Filter Definition wizard.
Termbase oTb = oTbs["Termbase name"];
ExportDefinitions oFilters = oTb.FilterDefinitions;
Debug.Write("Number of filters: +" + oFilters.Count);
for(int i=0;i<oFilters.Count;i++)