Release Notes for Trados Studio 2021 SR2
Project Automation API
Ability to check in files
You can now check-in newly added files using the UploadAndCheckinFiles() method in the new SeverBasedProjectOperations class.
var _sdlProject = new FileBasedProject(sdlProjectPath, gsUseWindowsAuthentication, gsUser, gsPassword);
var tmp = _sdlProject.AddFiles(new[] {"d:\\temp2.txt"})[0];
var serverBasedProjectOperations = new ServerBasedProjectOperations( _sdlProject);
serverBasedProjectOperations .UploadAndCheckinFiles(new [] {tmp.Id}, "Temp", (sender, args) => { });
Ability to perform CRUD operations in the ProjectReportsOperations class:
Added new AddReport() method that allows you to add a custom report to a file based project.
var addedReport = new ProjectReportsOperations(fileBasedProject)
.AddReport("Sdl.ProjectApi.AutomaticTasks.Translate", "Name", "Description", "de-De", "<xml></xml>");
Added new GetProjectReports() method that exposes the list of reports for a file based project.
var reports = new ProjectReportOperations(fileBasedProject).GetProjectReports();
Added new UpdateReport() method that allows you to change the name, description and content for a file based project.
new ProjectReportsOperations(fileBasedProject).UpdateReport("aa84193b-fd88-439c-8293-4ad0f9cfa8ec", "Name", "Description", "<xml></xml>");
Added new RemoveReports() method that allows you to delete the list of reports for a file based project.
new ReportProjectOperations(fileBasedProject).RemoveReports(reports.Select(r => Guid.Parse(r.Id)).ToList());
Ability to save projects without casting to FileBasedProject
You can now use the Save() method added to the IProject interface to avoid casting to FileBasedProject
You can use
instead of
if (SelectedProject is FileBasedProject fileBasedProject)
Translation Memory API
Added a new ISupportPlaceables interface to the existing ITranslationMemory and ILanguageResourceTemplates interfaces.
contains two properties, LanguageResourceBundleCollection and BuiltInRecognizers and is implemented by providers that support placeables.
public class CustomProvider : ISupportPlaceables
var provider = new CustomProvider();
BuiltinRecognizers recognizers = provider.Recognizers;
LanguageResourceBundleCollection bundles = provider.LanguageResourceBundles
Licensing App Support
The ProductLicenseManager.Initialize() method has a new overload which takes an ILoggerFactory as an extra parameter. This new parameter allows you to inject logging mechanisms into the API.
For more information see the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstraction namespace.
You can get the NuGet package here or get clients already available as NuGet packages here.
Files Controller
Added a new property AreAllSelectedTaskFilesAssignedToCurrentUser which returns true if all the selected files are assigned to the current user.
Added new IsDirty parameter that returns true if the document has unsaved changes.
WPF Styles API
Trados Studio now exposes its own custom progress ring with an RWS look and feel. As a result, the Sdl.ProgressRing.Asterisk
style has been removed for the MahApps Metro ProgressRing control.
Added new extension points. For more information see Trados Studio Command line processor.
The APIKey
has been marked obsolete since it is no longer used when logging in to Language Cloud from Trados Studio.