SDL Trados Studio AutoSuggest provider
Integration API makes it easy to to create your own AutoSuggest provider. All you need to do is implement the AbstractAutoSuggestProvider abstract class, from Sdl.TranslationStudioAutomation.IntegrationApi.AutoSuggest
namespace and decorate your class with AutoSuggestProvider
attribute. If you fail to implement AbstractAutoSuggestProvider, an exception will be thrown, but if you omit the `AutoSuggestProviderAttribute, your plugin will simply be ignored when SDL Trados Studio starts.
The following example demonstrates how to implement a custom AutoSuggest provider.
The plugin implements the required abstract methods of the AbstractAutoSuggestProvider base class.
- GetSuggestions to return the list of the items for auto suggestion list box
- OnActiveSegmentChanged to be able to prepare the list of suggested items for the new selected segment
- OnSettingsChanged to react to any change of the document settings
- OnActiveDocumentChanged to react to changing of the active document
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Sdl.FileTypeSupport.Framework.BilingualApi;
using Sdl.TranslationStudioAutomation.IntegrationApi.AutoSuggest;
using Sdl.TranslationStudioAutomation.IntegrationApi.Extensions;
namespace AutoSuggest.Sample
[AutoSuggestProvider(Id = "SourceCopyAutoSuggestProvider", Name = "AutoSuggest provider for copying the source words")]
public class SourceCopyAutoSuggestProvider : AbstractAutoSuggestProvider
private List<string> _segmentWordSuggestCandidates;
public SourceCopyAutoSuggestProvider()
// Set the default icon for the suggestions from this provider
Icon = new Icon(SystemIcons.Exclamation, 16, 16);
#region AutoSuggestProvider Implementation
/// <summary>
/// This function is not necessary for this sample. It just shows in case you need dictionary or some other language specific action, you can do it here.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnActiveDocumentChanged()
if (ActiveDocument != null)
var sourceLanguage = ActiveDocument.Project.GetProjectInfo().SourceLanguage;
var targetLanguage = ActiveDocument.Files.First().Language;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SourceCopyAutoSuggestProvider Language pair: {0}->{1}", sourceLanguage.DisplayName, targetLanguage.DisplayName);
// in case you need prepare the dictionary for this language pair, do it here
_segmentWordSuggestCandidates = null;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnActiveDocumentChanged {0}", ActiveDocument != null);
// when user goes to a segment, we want to prepare the AutoSuggest Candidate first.
// when it takes long, for performance reason, the execution might be done in a separate thread.
protected override void OnActiveSegmentChanged()
if (Settings.Enabled)
_segmentWordSuggestCandidates = null;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OnActiveSegmentChanged {0}", ActiveSegmentPair != null);
/// <summary>
/// We only provide the AutoSuggest when the candidate is available. The user might have the change from disabled to enabled, we need preapre the candidate.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnSettingsChanged()
if (Settings.Enabled)
_segmentWordSuggestCandidates = null;
protected override IEnumerable<AbstractAutoSuggestResult> GetSuggestions(AbstractEditingContext context)
if (Settings.Enabled)
string suffix = context.GetAllPrefixes().First();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix) && _segmentWordSuggestCandidates != null && _segmentWordSuggestCandidates.Count > 0)
return _segmentWordSuggestCandidates
.Where(item => item.StartsWith(suffix, Settings.CaseSensitive ? StringComparison.InvariantCulture : StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.Select(item =>
var result = new AutoSuggestTextResult(context, item);
result.Priority = Settings.Priority;
// Set different icon for suggestions starting with "a". For the rest set the default provider icon
result.Icon = result.Text.StartsWith("a") ? new Icon(SystemIcons.Question, 16, 16) : Icon;
return result;
return null;
private void PrepareSegmentSuggestCandiates()
if (ActiveSegmentPair != null)
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in ActiveSegmentPair.Source.AllSubItems)
var text = item as IText;
if (text != null)
// Split the sentence to words in a naive way, in practice a better way is needed to to tokenize the sentence.
// As a sample we will show the source words in the AutoSuggest, in practice, translation to the target language are needed
_segmentWordSuggestCandidates = Regex.Split(stringBuilder.ToString(), @"\W+").ToList();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PrepareSegmentSuggestCandiates: {0}", stringBuilder.ToString());
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}", _segmentWordSuggestCandidates == null);